Comedy by Jigri and Pade (Actors of Bhadragol) on NTV Night 2015

Comedy by Jigri and Pade (Actors of Bhadragol) on NTV Nite, a comedy performing by actors of Bhadragol in Ntv Night 2015 of 30 anniversary of NTV. is a promotional Website started by a group of energetic youngsters, playing an active role within the Nepali music industry to promote creativity having positive thoughts.

Comedy by Jigri and Pade (Actors of Bhadragol) on NTV Nite, a comedy performing by actors of Bhadragol in Ntv Night 2015 of 30 anniversary of NTV broadcast in Avenues tv,Nepal We are committed to helping Artists out with all other aspects of their career without discrimination of caste, sex, religion, culture and creed.

Comedy by Jigri and Pade (Actors of Bhadragol) on NTV Nite We are currently working in hand to hand with various MANAGEMENT and PROMOTION Companies and are dedicated to finding quality artists and providing them with opportunities with maximum effort.
