Minister Khaga Raj Adhikari Spoke bad Words at Program

“That animal have to say sorry”, this type of words are spoken not others by general people but spoke by ‘Honorable Health and Population Minister Mr. Khagraj Adhikari’. Adhikari said this type of words to the local leader of Nepali Congress. All of the people tried to make cool Mr. Khagraj Adhikari. He said to a local congress leader in a program of ‘Tarevir Mahotsab Udhghatan’ at Gokarneshow Municipality.
At that program, for the main chief Mr. Khadga Prasad Oli is being called by the organizer team. Due to the meeting at Kathmandu, he is unable to attend the program. The organizer team requset to give special speech at the program to Mr. K.P. Oli from the telephone.

 But while they are trying to make this situation local congress leader Mr. Murari Bhandari said, “How does this type? We rejects it. Is this is a program of Nepal Communist Party (UML)?” and also throw the audio mike from the stage. After faced this type of activities ‘Honorable Minister Adhikari’ also became fired and tried to returning back at Kathmandu from the program, “I also close my mouth. I’m going” Adhikari said. After this, with lots of request from the organizer team, Adhikari stay at the program. ” That animal (Murari Bhandari) have to say sorry first” minister said. See the video that minister spoke bad words at a program;
