Khabar Bhitrako Khabar :Slaughter house posing health risks in Kathmandu

Khabar Bhitrako Khabar :Slaughter house posing health risks in Kathmandu, Today;s Khabar Bhitrako Khabar is Showing About Slaughter house in Kathmandu.  Many slaughter houses in Kathmandu are posing serious health risks to the public. This is the first that they finally caught the distributing unhygienic buffalo meat in the market. However in the past there was no serious action taken to those people who run unhygienic meat business.
This came to light after as many as four slaughter houses in Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) were found to be distributing meat in the market without renewing their licences.

Inaytole, one of the biggest slaughter areas in Kathmandu where up to 200 buffalos are killed each day to meet the city’s ever growing demand, is seen as one of the worst in the Capital in terms of hygiene issues.

 Over 2,200 kg of meat Inaytole distributes throughout Kathmandu Valley each day is considered highly unsafe for consumption due to poor hygienic conditions and practices in the slaughter area. Livestocks are often found being slaughtered for their meat in dirty, foul-smelling areas. The meat distribution are found to be violating the Animal Slaughterhouse and Meat Inspection Act, 1999.
