Parliament Ma Babal Bho

Parliament Ma Babal Bho Watch the comedy video of ugly scenes in Nepal constituent assembly that was held today at 2 AM. The video title is ‘Samsadma Babal Bho Babal Bho’.
At the meeting of Parliamentary Business Advisory Committee was held under the presence of CA Chair Subas Chandra Nembang the opposition parties Maoist & United Democratic Madhesi turned ugly at midnight inside the Nepal constituent assembly hall. 

These parties attacked the other remaining parties. They hit other parties people by microphone & shoes. They also break many chairs inside the constituent assembly. “They first attack the towards KP Oli and hit him on his chest with a microphone. The video featured the act of Shiv Shankar Rijal & Surendra KC.
Watch the new comedy video Samsadma Babal Bho :
