" You get to know someone better by Facebook than ten years of friendship with that person. " [David Kirkpatrick]
The biggest social network in the world today is to be congratulated! Created on 4 February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg , Facebook is now the most used social networks for all and all over the world.
There are already 11 years that Facebook allows us to be closer to the other, communicate and meet new people, share interests and more!
Let us recall the history and achievements already made through Facebook!
Facebook was created on 4 February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, a college student from Harvard. This is a social network that brought a new form of communication, putting people in touch with each other, sometimes unintentionally thereof, enabling them to share experiences, concerns, problems or common causes.
Currently, and for some time, that Facebook is the social network most used around the world, having more than 1390 million users monthly active (Dez'14).
It is currently the most used social network worldwide, and almost all of us have today an account on this social network and / or to a page to promote our company. According to the Marktest (2012) 95% of Portuguese social networks have Facebook account.